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Thursday, November 20, 2008


Friend is a person who can communicate with us, share our feelings, talk with same language and has common interests with us. Friends can be from our classmates, neightbours, colleagues, to those people we got to know from encounterment...and of course all walk of lifes..............That why old folk said 君子之交,待之与礼.......平水相逢...............远亲不如近邻 all the idioms in chinese emphasized on the importance of having friends. We can say, up to the king, and down to the slavery, all of us need friends.

Friendship can be built up through different occasions and festivals. Then you will ask, how do we treat our friends after we have built up a relationship. The answer is very simple, just like aboved mentioned we treat our friends with courteosy, treat them with our heart.

There are no special elements or vitamins to maintain a friendship. Friendship is like our body, if we treat our body good by having good diet, exericise, healthy lifestyle, of course we will have a healthy and strong body. The same principle can be applied to friendship. Friendship needs to be fed with Vitamins as well as regular exericise. What are the Vitamin and exercise in maintaining a good friendship? Vitamins are the only elements coming from food, means we can invite our friends to have lunch, dinner or tea break, then the bond of friendship would be strengthened. Exericise means outdoor activities, so through outdoor activities, we can also make it as an occasion to strengthen our bond and rapport with our friends, such as playing football, tennis, badminton together....

You see, to build and maintain a friendship is very simple and natural, we just need to keep a heart for our friends, then all is done...............

1 comment:

Andy said...

Hi!!.. Keep it up. Writing the blog also has the same principle of how u treat ur friends.... hehehhe... I will be always ur FANsss.... (Don't worry... I'm not gay wahahhaha)