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Monday, January 12, 2009

Decision Making

Decision making is vital to our life, career and every aspects from small decisions such as the place of having lunch or dinner to big decisions such as changing of job, investment, purchasing of properties or choosing our life partner. I find the following decision making procedure quite useful especially I'm encounting problems, troublesomes
or opportunities.
(courteosy the figure from Mind Performance Hack)
You can look at the table presents the various possibilities which a problem might occur. This chart can give us an insight of how can we deal with a problem which we don't know how to handle. As I learned to make decision on the basic of this principle I'm finding that actually any problems arising from the real world can be modelled with the chart and lead us to the answer of the problem.
In my time of diffcuties, I thinks about the method of solving problems and find it useful in making decision for every aspects of life. Perhaps some problems can not be solved immediately, but if we know the priorties of the duty or problems to be solved then we can opt for other problems. For example, in my class we discuss about the calculus and algebra. Some students who from art stream may poor in algebra and make them performing poorly in calculus. Then the student can priortize the problems and put effort to do well in algebra before coming back to the problems encountering in calculus. As a result, the problem was indirectly solved through the priortization process.

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